I decided my blog was a little too pepto-pink, so I changed it up. :) life is pretty good right now. I'm workin three jobs and taking two online courses this summer, so I'm keepin pretty busy! I am trying really hard to earn enough to go to school at BYUH in the fall. But, I am thinking I might have to defer a semester because I cant save enough. It all hinges on if I get scholarships or not, so nothing is set in stone. By waiting until the winter semester though I can keep saving all through the fall, because i am pretty sure I will have a job, possibly full time. i can avoid a huge christmas plane ticket, and for sure get to come home for christmas. By saving up this fall, I can earn enough to where I wont have to work while I am in school, which is a huge plus. i called BYUH and they said they could defer me to winter no problem. I sorta wanted to tell everyone at once, and get it over with. This is something I have been thinking about these past few weeks, and I think it is good to have this back up plan. My number one goal is to get there this fall, but if that doesnt happen, the alternative is not the end of the world. Yesterday, I was really down about this being a huge possibilitiy, but I think someone out there loves me, and knew how down I was. Someone donated a laptop to me, a HUGE load off my mind. It is this cute compaq computer with everything I ever wanted from a laptop. I dont know who you are, but I wanted to thank you. I figure you are a friend, so I thought this might be a good way to say thanks. i know everyone is working very hard to get me to school in the fall, everyone has pitched in so much, and I am so grateful. I have the best family in the whole world, and anyone who says theirs is, is totally lying. :) I love my sisters, they are the best friends I ever had and they mean everything to me. (Yes alicia you are included!) I love my brothers, they are the best brothers ever. I love my Dad, he helps me without a second thought, and is always there when I need him. I love my grandmother, who puts up with my short term memory loss, and lets me live in her house, she is the toughest lady I know. Lastly, I love my mom. She pretty much is my best friend without whom, I most likely I wouldnt be standing. When i told her about defering a semester, I started with, "Mom, i have some news. I am pregnant, and i might have to defer a semester." She said that wasnt even funny but laughed anyway. I figured if I distracted her with fake bad news, the real bad news wouldnt be so bad in comparison. Good plan right? Anyway, just feeling grateful. :)