Well, it has been a while since I posted last, and just in case you didn't already know... I'm getting married!! Still weird to say... exciting to think about. This is Hau Sian Thang (Hau for short), he's from Burma, and the best man in the whole wide world. (Not that I'm biased) As you can see by the above photo, he is quite the character, and REALLY enjoys having his picture taken. ;) In my whole life, I never thought I would get to marry a guy who is the kindest, funniest, and hard-working person I've ever known. (I know I'm twitter paited, but let me have this one!) He keeps me laughing, and keeps me in line.
A little bit about Hau:
He served his mission in New Zeland, and currently attends BYUH, (with me). Grew up in Burma/Myanmar (Myanmar is actually the real name... Great Brittan names things willy nilly how ever they want to apparently...) Has an awesome family, and loves mine. He's got a heart the size of Milwaukee, with a mischievous part just about the same size. Needless to say, I love him!
He is the best! A friend pointed out to me that my new last name could be Thang... it's pronounced Tung in his language, but everyone else says it just like it's spelled! So, I'm going to be Mrs. Thang! (hence the title)
We're getting hitched in June!! So excited, and cant wait! He will get to meet my family during that time, and they might just love him more than me by the end... not sure... ;) Anyway, that's really only a little bit about us, we're much more interesting!! maybe....
Anyway, that's my fiance. Oh, and here's a joke he told me the other day...
A man and a woman had been married for fifty years, she was 72 and he was 75 years old. Very much still in love.They were one day walking down the street, and suddenly a Genie appeared right before their eyes! They were of course shocked, when all of the sudden, the Genie said to both of them, "I can grant you one wish each, whatever it is you want, I will grant it" he turned to the woman and asked, "What is your wish?" after considering it for a moment, the woman said, "I would like to be with my husband, entirely in love until we die". With a nod of his head, the genie agreed. Then, turning to the man, posed the same question, "What is your wish?" with a little longer pause, and a little sheepish looking, the man said, "Well, while I do love my wife, I wish she was twenty years younger than me". And then with a big puff of smoke, and a little crackle, the genie was gone, and the wife turned to look at her husband, who was now 95 years old. ;)
Hahaha, I really liked that one! Anyway, just thought I would officially introduce you to the love of my life! :)