Tuesday, February 12, 2008

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz now I know my abc's next time wont you sing with me?! Today is tuesday... the beginning of the week and nothing is really going on. School is going really good... except I missed class yesterday and I am really worried about getting behind. But I am trying really hard. One problem... I really hate mundane long reading assignments. Like fifty pages of crap that you have to have understood entirley by the time you are done. After 8 hours of school each day they expect you to do 4 or more hours of homework while you are at home!! I really dont think that they understand that you do have a life outside of college. Not that I do or anything I just would really like to know how other people balance school, church, social and family all at the same time! I have great respect for anyone who can conquer this task. Anyhoodle... That is really my only complaint right now. Other than that things are going swimmingly. I would really like to go to the beach and the gym. Problem, I have no one to go with me. I have a little bit of a loaner complex, so being alone isnt exactly my forte. Maybe I'll just have to get over it and suck it up and go anyway. I have a funny confession to make... I secretly love princess diaries movies. Lame I know, but I just love corny movies that make you laugh. So today I took David to get a mennie pedie. (man's pedicure). It was interesting that is for sure. I think that he felt a little akward surrounded by women and little asian women who were rubbing and cleaning his feet. He took it really well though, I thought. And I have never seen cleaner feet on a boy. So, Happy birthday David!! Latley I am on the slimfast plan and am not loosing any weight. Darn it! I drink one for breakfast and one for lunch and have a regular dinner with the fam. Nothing, not even 1 lb. I'm sticking with it though. Plus, I really like how slimfast tastes so It is okay with me to continue drinking it. I am having an "I feel pretty" Day. It doesnt happen too often so I am soaking It up while I can. Who knows where these days come from, but it is really a blessing when they do come. I hate the "I feel ugly" days. Thoes are the worst. Nothing looks good on you, you feel fat all the time and nothing seems to make you feel better except not going out and seeing the world cause you dont want the world to see you. I know we all have thoes days so I think we are all in agreement that they suck. So, here is my list of things to accomplish before June: Pass my classes this semester, get my seminary diploma, lose 20 pounds (hopefully), have a good summer job set up (at least paying 10$ an hour, I can dream cant I?), get back to piano lessons, join the gym. and that is all I can think of right now. So, have a nice day! love love love you, Mary Hannah


AmyJane said...

What?!?! 2 posts in the same week! This may be a record for your blog. I guess I'll have to start checking it more often!

Carly said...

Miss Mary Hannah! I just love it when you blog :). You so honest. I love that you tell us your complains and joys! I am glad you had an "I Feel Pretty" day. I listened to that soundtrack TWICE all the way through today in the car :). Good times!

sarawhat said...

mary mary, this is what is called a "stream of consciencess". Loved it. And I love you.