Friday, August 01, 2008

Today is a great day. It is really pretty outside and I plan on enjoying it. The other day I went to my friend heidi's birthday party at the beach and got reallllly burned. I had a ponytail on my wrist so now I have a ponytail tan, It's kind of cool though cause it looks like I am always wearing a watch, minus the watch part. But I went boogie boarding and body surfing, good stuff. got a good tan. I will probably get skin cancer which is a really bad thing. One ITEM THAT IS REALLY IMPORTANT, SARA, YOU NEED TO RE-INVITE ME TO THE SISTER'S BLOG!!! I guess my original invite expired. Elizabeth is away at youth conference. mom is in charge of the prop 8 campaign for our ward. she is really busy with that. anyhoo, I gotta go. eventually I will have a real blog to write. promise.


sarawhat said...

ok mary, go to your email, I re-invited you

Carly said...

I have a mortal fear of skin cancer too... I have finally decided that I think being super pale is cool. What do I care about the social norms to be dangerously dark? I am going to glory in the translucent paleness!

love your guts, Mary Hannah!