Tuesday, April 22, 2008

I am back in blog land. Things are good today. Havent posted in a while cause I really dont have that many interesting things to say. Except today I think that I might say a few things of interest to a few. Okay, maybe I 'd just like to think that... anyways... It is around 11 o'clock at nite right now and I am really tired. I just spent the day driving to places and watching Breakfast at Tiffany's. I havent seen it in a long time and I remember liking it the first time... But it is really a strange movie if you think about it. I mean, that chick is nutz! Plus Roman Holiday is waaaayyyy better. Audrey Hephburn is a great actress anyways. Now My Fair Lady is the one that I really dont get. What exactly is their relationship? I wish that someone could give a little after the fact information. Currently I am taking a ceramics class and we are working with the pottery wheel.... I hate the pottery wheel. I make fine pieces and then I ruin them while bagging them up to put in the damp room or taking them off the wheel. It is really a sad fact. I think I just cracked my tooth on a mentos. Dang! thoes dont grow back ya know. anyhoodle, I had to drop my phychology class cause I was falling behind and I would rather get good grades in just a few classes then bad grades in more classes. maybe I am off my rocker, someone please let me know about that. Also latley things have been getting a little crazy around here. Not really, that is a lie... Not so much crazy as it is loud. And my room is a mess. I hate that, but it happens more often than not so we live with it and move on, too much trouble to clean it. Also, I was supposed to buy a parking permit at the beginning of the semester, And here we only have about five weeks left and I am still without one. Instead I have just been paying the dollar a day to park. Dumb huh? I just never seem to have time and now I dont even know if it is worth it to go and get one or just keep paying the dollar a day? Okay, that is life latley. Love to most of you! and like to the rest! Mary Hannah


dctorg said...

Mary .. I am so excited that I found your blog!! I miss you and our chats from the piano bench. I hope you are still playing the piano some!! We should get together for lunch or something. I agree with you on My Fair Lady .. I never like that relationship. You are never crazy, but always wonderful. Glad to hear you are busy with school. I am hoping that someday I just run into you around the stake. (Sis. T.)

dctorg said...

ps .. don't give up on the pottery wheel!

Carly said...

Mary! You came back! I am so glad you did. I've missed you. I can't believe this semester is wrapping up already. Time flies, doesn't it? I think it is so funny that you have just paid the dollar a day for parking--don't stop now is what I say!

love your guts--

Carly said...

Mary--I love the new layout! I am living in Blanding, Utah teaching high school English. I'll come home for a few weeks in July. I hope i get to see you! love, love, love SC

feel free to email at carlyjane35@gmail.com any time!

Rebecca said...

you know you should let people know when you post something... i just stopped checking your blog because you never update it. glad to see you did. love you. and i cant wait to see everyone in august.

Scott+Kimber+Ruby=Scimby said...

dont you go to golden west? why dont you just part at the institute? Im with ya on My Fair Lady....I just dont really like it that much, I dont really like Rex Harrison very much because he's so arrogant. And Audrey, i like her, but I just dont think she should have played that part, she doesnt even do her own singing in it. Eliza definitely should have gone to the original, JULIE ANDREWS! Yeah, that movie is wayyyy over rated!